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Parco degli Acquedotti


In antiquity, these aqueducts carried drinking water from the mountains in the east Lazio (such as the Alban Hills and the Monti Simbruini) and were elevated on monumental arcades once they reached the flat expanse of the Roman countryside. The Aqua Claudia, which is the most impressive aqueduct still standing within the park, was the eighth aqueduct built by the ancient Romans, constructed during the reigns of emperors Caligula and Claudius. It could carry over 2,000 liters of water per second, over 40 miles (70 km) away from its original source. Nearby are the ruins of an even older aqueduct, the Aqua Marcia (which also carried the waters of the Aqua Tepula and Aqua Iulia), built during the late Republican age in 144 BC. This one is not as well preserved since Pope Sixtus V removed parts of the structure to build the first Papal aqueduct, the Aqua Felix, at the end of the 16th century. The Papal aqueduct, which is a lot lower than its ancient Roman counterpart, runs along the Aqua Claudia and intersects it in the nearby park of Tor Fiscale. It ultimately ends at the famous Moses fountain in Piazza San Bernardo. The park is a vast archaeological and natural site that preserves, among other sites, the ruins of the imperial Vignacce Villa (its private baths are still visible); the 12th-century marrana (or ditch) built by the popes to provide water to the gardens of St. John the Lateran; a well-preserved stretch of the Roman road known as the Via Latina; and the 13th century Casale di Torrevecchia, a fortified farmstead that at one point belonged to the powerful Torlonia family.
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Notable Events

On 7 August 2019 the park witnessed the murder of Fabrizio Piscitelli, who was killed by a jogger armed with a pistol as he sat on one of the park's benches. Known as Diabolik, Piscitelli had been the leader of the Irriducibili, the gang of Ultras who supported the Lazio Football Club in Rome. He had successfully transformed this support into an illicit business empire that turned him into a millionaire.

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Aqueducts and other monuments


There are 6 aqueducts in the park. You will see the Julia aqueduct - from gens Julia, an important Roman family. The Vetus aqueduct surely is the most ancient in this beautiful park. The Novus Aqueduct, instead, took its name just to be differentiated by Vetus' one. You can also admire Marcio, Tepula, and Felice aqueducts. The latter's built had serious consequences, such as the destruction of more ancient aqueducts. Take a look of Claudius aqueduct: one of the best ever built. It is a very good work because of several reasons: it is characterized by advanced technologies, and the participation of several men to realise it. The expenses were very high, however the aqueduct soon got a huge prestige thanks to its efficiency: it was able to supply a developing city with big quantities of water. And then, you will see Casale Roma Vecchia, the defense building, for controlling the aqueducts. Later on, it became a farm, and it currently hosts ancient pieces: columns, status, sarcophaguses, amphorae, and so on. It is an unmissible step, to admire the ancient Roman people art. Inside the park, you can walk along Via Latina, there are remains of Towers, residents, and tombs from the Roman age. In addition to the aqueducts, there is also an artificial moat: the Fosso Acqua Mariana. The construction was ordered by Pope Callisto II, as he wanted to Grant accountant supply of water, for the vegetable gardens in the Basilica S. Giovanni in Laterano.
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