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personal interpretation

The first stanza: A traveler who has just arrived in Rome, he saw old and broken arches and palaces in Rome, thinking that this is the usual scenery of Rome, which makes him feel the feeling of hometown.

O thou newcomer who seek’st Rome in RomeAnd find’st in Rome no thing thou canst call Roman;Arches worn old and palaces made commonRome’s name alone within these walls keeps home.

Second stanza: He saw these old arches and palaces, reminding him how splendid Rome used to be, but now it's decayed. She was even regarded as the first imperial city and metropolis in history during the Roman Kingdom, Roman Empire, and Roman Republic. Some even call her "the eternal city, the capital of the world". It's a pity that "time" will wash away everything, and nothing is eternal.

Behold how pride and ruin can befallOne who hath set the whole world ’neath her laws,All-conquering, now conquered, becauseShe is Time’s prey, and Time conquereth all.

The third stanza: Rome built a monument dedicated to Rome. She conquered herself. Only the Tiber is left, flowing alone to the sea.

Rome that art Rome’s one sole last monument,Rome that alone hast conquered Rome the town,Tiber alone, transient and seaward bent,

Remains of Rome. O world, thou unconstant mime!That which stands firm in thee Time batters down,And that which fleeteth doth outrun swift Time. 

Fourth stanza: Oh world! You are like a pantomime, unpredictable and ever-changing. Standing firm in the face of the attack of time, and feeling very emotional because time flies by.

Summary: The author may want to express that time is cruel. No kingdom is ever prosperous. All that remains will be the dilapidated old buildings that have experienced the rise and fall.

Edited by Sophie 楊書融

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